Privacy Policy

Tax inTuition is subject to certain legislative and regulatory requirements that may require us to obtain and hold information that personally identifies you, your staff, or your clients – or contains information about you or your clients. We refer to such information as ‘personal information’.

Tax inTuition abides by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) established as part of the Privacy Act 1988 which cover the collection, use, disclosure and storage of personal information.

The ability for Tax inTuition to provide you with comprehensive tax training services may be dependent on us obtaining certain information about you, your organisation or your firm’s clients.

We will not collect any personal information except when you have knowingly provided that information to us or authorised a third party to provide that information to us.

We will only collect, maintain and use personal information if it is necessary for us to provide to you the services you have requested.

We will not use or disclose personal information collected by us for any purpose other than the purposes for which it was provided or secondary related purposes in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure.

We are also obliged to maintain certain transaction and accounting records and make those records available for inspection by regulatory authorities.

We may use the personal information collected from you for the purpose of providing you with direct marketing material, such as articles that may be of interest to you. However, you may, by contacting us by any of the methods detailed below, request not to receive such information and we will action that request.

If you provide information to us regarding other entities (e.g. your employees, your directors, your clients) you must ensure that you are entitled to disclose that information to us and that we will not require any additional permissions / consents from the entities who are the subject of the personal information in order for us to lawfully collect and use that information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

We may disclose personal information to other entities, but only where they are directly involved in the provision of the tax training services we provide. We will not sell your information or disclose it to others for marketing purposes.

Your personal information is generally held in your client file (hard and/or soft copy format). Where information is maintained using software provided by third party providers, we will only use providers who follow strict privacy guidelines to ensure the security of such data.

We will seek to ensure that the personal information collected and held by us is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. At all times your personal information is treated as highly confidential.

Client data is backed up regularly using cloud-based storage. If you cease to be a client of this organisation, any personal information that we hold about you will be maintained in a secure storage facility for a period of seven years to comply with legislative and professional requirements, following which time the information may be destroyed.

You may contact us at any time to request access, update or correct your personal information and we will provide you with access to that information.

If you wish to complain about any breach or potential breach of this privacy policy, you should contact us via the below details and request that your complaint be directed to us.

We will consider, and respond to, your complaint as soon as possible. If you are unhappy with our response, you are entitled to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner who may investigate your complaint further.

Any personal information is protected by a system of secure passwords, logons and/or other procedures to ensure the security of such data. We will not transfer or store information outside Australia. Our website is accessible worldwide, however we will not make personal information publicly available on our Website, or transfer information to foreign countries, other than with the consent of the person who is the subject of the personal information.

If you would like more information about how we manage your personal information, or if you have any questions, please contact us on 07 3876 6750, email at or in writing to the address below.

The Managing Director, Tax inTuition, 55 Nestor Avenue, Bardon QLD 4065.